Chile Madrid Trademark fee decrease coming

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Chile Madrid Trademark Fee Decrease Coming There weren’t a lot of trademark fee updates this week – one small inflation-related decrease in Chile for Madrid Protocol Applications and Renewals. Big […]

Madrid Trademark fees decreasing for Japan and Syria

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Madrid Fee Decrease For Japan and Syria This week, we saw several inflation-related Madrid Trademark fee decreases for Japanese and Syrian applications and renewals. Check out the updates below! Japan […]

Madrid Fee Increase for Colombia


Madrid Fee Increase for Colombia There was only one fee update this week – a fairly sizable increase to Madrid trademark fees for Colombia. Check out the details below! Colombia […]

Trademark Fee Increase Coming to Argentina

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Trademark Fee Increase Coming to Argentina Argentina won the “biggest fee increase of the week” award with its planned increase in December. It also won the “only trademark fee increase […]

Madrid Trademark Fee Reduction Coming to Turkey

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Madrid Fee Reduction for Turkey There aren’t a lot of Madrid trademark fee updates this week – only a small inflation adjustment for Madrid Protocol fees for Turkey. Enjoy! Turkey […]

European Madrid Protocol Trademark Fee Updates

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A slow week for trademark fee updates There aren’t a lot of trademark fee updates this week, only one small change planned for European Madrid applications and renewals in October. […]

August Madrid Trademark Fee Updates

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A slow week for trademark fee updates Last week there were a lot of trademark fee updates, but this week – not so much.  Let’s see what’s changing! India Madrid […]

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