Change to Lebanon Trademark Fees and Renewal Term

Trademark Fees

Lebanon provided us with the only IP fee-related topic this week. This one is notable due to the shortening of the term for new trademarks.

Let’s check it out!

Lebanon Trademark Fees Update

Trademark Fees

On February 15, 2024, Lebanon enacted Budget Law No. 324, which introduced changes to the costs and the duration of trademark protection.

The duration of trademark protection has been decreased from 15 to 10 years for new trademarks. Existing trademarks will maintain their 15-year term, however, newly registered marks will have a 10-year term from the registration date.

An increase in the official fees for filing, registration, renewal, and recordal of trademarks also accompanied the term change – as soon as we receive the confirmed cost details from our associates, we’ll post the update.

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