EPC/PCT Fee Updates for April

Patent Fee

As you (hopefully) are aware, EP fees will be increasing on the 1st of April. The PCT applicant’s guide has just been updated with the PCT fee-related changes – this week we summarize those updates. 


EPO PCT Fee Update effective from April 1, 2024


EPO Fee Highlights :

  • In Annex C – Receiving Office –
    • Transmittal fee – From 145 EUR to 150 EUR
    • Fee for requesting restoration of the right of priority will increase – From 720 EUR to 750 EUR 
  • In Annex D – International Searching Authorities
    • Search Fee – From 1775 EUR to 1845 EUR
    • Protest fee – From 980 EUR to 1020 EUR
    • Late furnishing fee – From 255 EUR to 265 EUR
  • In Annex SISA – International Searching Authority (Supplementary Search) –
    • Supplementary search fee – From 1710 CHF to 1751 CHF
    • Review fee – From 980 EUR to 1020 EUR
  • In Annex E – International Preliminary Examining Authority –
    • Preliminary examination fee – 1840 EUR to 1915 EUR
  • In Summary of requirements for entry into the national phase –
    • Designation fee for one or more EPO Contracting States designated – From 660 EUR to 685 EUR
    • Claims Fees
      • For the 16th and each subsequent claim up to the limit of 50 – From 265 EUR to 275 EUR
      • For the 51st and each subsequent claim – From 660 EUR to 685 EUR
    • Search Fee
      • For (international) applications filed before 1 July 2005 – From 1000 EUR to 1040 EUR
      • For (international) applications filed on or after 1 July 2005 – From 1460 EUR to 1520 EUR
    • Fee for late furnishing of a sequence listing – From 255 EUR to 265 EUR
    • Examination Fee
      • For (international) applications filed before 1 July 2005 – From 2055 EUR to 2135 EUR
      • For (international) applications filed on or after 1 July 2005 for which no supplementary European search report is drawn up – From 2055 EUR to 2135 EUR
      • For all other (international) applications filed on or after 1 July 2005 – From 1840 EUR to 1915 EUR
    • Renewal Fee Year 3
      • From 530 EUR to 690 EUR 

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