Finland patent and trademark fee updates coming in 2024

Patent Annuities

Our final patent and trademark fee updates of the year! It’s oddly appropriate that it is for Finland, known for its reindeer. Next week, we’ll be back with a preview of proposed fee updates for Australia and some United Arab Emirates fee updates, effective later in Q1.

See you next year!

Patent and Trademark Fee Changes

Finland Flag
  • The (patent) application fee is increasing from EUR 400 to EUR 430.
  • The (patent) publication fee is increasing from EUR 400 to EUR 430.
  • Patent Annual fees

    • The 3rd-year fee is decreasing from EUR 200 to EUR 135.
    • The 4th-year fee is increasing from EUR 125 to EUR 160.
    • The 5th-year fee is increasing from EUR 150 to EUR 210.
    • The 6th-year fee is increasing from EUR 200 to EUR 240.
    • The 7th-year fee is increasing from EUR 250 to EUR 270.
    • The 8th-year fee is increasing from EUR 300 to EUR 320.
    • The 9th-year fee is increasing from EUR 350 to EUR 375.
    • The 10th-year fee is increasing from EUR 400 to EUR 430.
    • The 11th-year fee is increasing from EUR 450 to EUR 480.
    • The 12th-year fee is increasing from EUR 500 to EUR 535.
    • The 13th-year fee is increasing from EUR 550 to EUR 590.
    • The 14th-year fee is increasing from EUR 600 to EUR 640.
    • The 15th-year fee is increasing from EUR 650 to EUR 700.
    • The 16th-year fee is increasing from EUR 700 to EUR 750.
    • The 17th-year fee is increasing from EUR 750 to EUR 800.
    • The 18th-year fee is increasing from EUR 800 to EUR 860.
    • The 19th-year fee is increasing from EUR 850 to EUR 910.
    • The 20th-year fee is increasing from EUR 900 to EUR 965.
  • The (trademark) application fee is increasing from EUR 225 to EUR 240.
  • The (trademark) renewal fee is increasing from EUR 225 to EUR 240.

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