Happy World IP Day!

World IP Day

Happy World IP Day!

Every year, on the 26th of April, the IP community takes a moment to celebrate and reflect on IP’s global impact. The theme for this year’s World IP Day is “IP and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)”, highlighting the importance of IP as a key driver in the quest to make the world a better place.

As part of the World IP Day celebration, WIPO has created a gallery of changemakers who are using IP rights to accelerate innovation and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations in 2015. This week, we thought we would highlight three of the changemakers that stood out for us – we encourage you to check out the entire gallery of truly inspirational IP professionals.

World IP Day Change Makers

Iran – Law, IP Professional

World IP Day
Sanaz has been a great contributor to promoting IP system in developing world, also an inspiring leader empowering women & youth by education, mentoring and awareness raising. She has been mentoring over 145 women & men from different countries and contributed to WIPO academy courses promotion in legal community and registered over 250 young professionals in WIPO courses. She has also established a mentoring program for young people & women willing to work in IP domain.

Nigeria-Science, Technology and Innovation, IP Professional

Prof JohnJohn Uket is an innovation and development expert who works with the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology in Nigeria. He’s committed to the development of effective IP policies and programmes. He is a multidisciplinary scholar who has presented six different papers at annual events of the Intellectual Property Scholars Conference (IPSC). He trains young officers on IP strategies. Over the years, he has helped many innovators/inventors to acquire patents, trademarks etc. His responsibility in the Presidential Standing Committee on Inventions and Innovations (PSCII) has enabled him to effectively among other benefits to bridge the gap between indigenous innovators/inventors and IP-based institutions. The PSCII which funds innovations/inventions is a platform that has helped him also to practice technology management.

Guatemala – Fashion Creator

Isabella Springmuhl has carved a niche for herself in the fashion industry, thanks to the creativity and soul she puts into the designs she creates for her brand, Down to Xjabelle. The 25-year old is the first designer with Down syndrome to be featured in London Fashion Week, one of the world’s biggest fashion events. She is using the power of fashion to challenge the stereotypes and social discrimination she has experienced in response to her condition.

“IP such as trademark, has helped me gain recognition and standing for all the effort I put in, for my creativity, the quality of Guatemalan textiles, my team’s work and the fair trade behind each item.”

Let’s all take a moment to celebrate the pioneers and changemakers throughout the IP world who are working to make the world a better place.

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