Prokurio Site Updates For January

Prokurio Site Updates

January was a busy month - check out our Prokurio site updates!

Automated Trademark Renewal Invoice Auditing

renewal watch spend analysis
This new feature enables you to analyze trademark invoices for excessive currency, agent, and country fees.

Searching and Sorting Improvements

With this update, we’ve introduced several upgrades to make it easier to find, filter, and sort data throughout the platform. 

Improved Access to Country and Fee Data

country fee data
We’ve integrated the country and PTO fee screens to make it easier to find fees, relocating everything into one easy-to-access location with access to historical and current exchange rates. 

Enhanced Vendor Management

Vendor Management
We’ve enhanced our core vendor management capabilities, adding additional vendor classifications and supporting more flexible, country-specific vendor fees. 

Enhanced Invoice Upload

upload screen shot
Our enhanced upload process works in the background, enabling you to begin the upload and return at any time to see the results. It’s also twice as fast as the prior version!

Additional Personalization Options

Prokurio site updates 5
We’re adding additional personalization capabilities to the system at the user and company levels, including logo uploads and default currency and filing details. 

Check back regularly for all our Prokurio site updates!

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