Patent and Trademark Fee Updates – July 15th

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A Quiet Week of Fee Updates

Summer is upon us, and the patent and trademark fee updates are few and far between. This week, we only have a small update on Qatar and a few PCT updates for Japan. 

Let’s check things out!

Qatar Adoption of GCC Trademark Law Effective July, 2023

Qatar Flag 2

The Qatari Ministry of Commerce and Industry has issued Ministerial Decision No. 56 of 2023 adopting the GCC Trademark Law and its implementing regulations.

The new law will impact costs, deadlines and will increase the types of marks which are registrable.

We are collecting the fee updates and will publish them once available.

Japan PCT Updates Effective September 1, 2023

Japan Flag 1

PCT Annex C - Receiving Office

International Filing Fee:

  • Increase from 195,000 JPY to 214,200 JPY

Fee per sheet in excess of 30:

  • Increase from 2,200 JPY to 2,400 JPY

Electronic filing (request, description, claims, abstract):

  • Increase from 44,000 JPY to 48,300 JPY

PCT Annex E - International Preliminary Examining Authority

Handling Fee:

  • Increase from 29,300 JPY to 32,200 JPY
Fees Update

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