Prokurio For Firms
Take Control of Your Patent and Trademark Costs


Find Patent or Trademark Fees Faster

For most firms, questions from clients like “What will it cost to renew this trademark in Brazil?” or “What are the patent application costs in Norway?” are all too common. You can track down the fees on PTO websites or consult your international associates, but each of these options takes time. The Prokurio Fee Platform gives you instant access to a constantly updated database of global fees, saving you time and getting your clients and partners the critical data they need.

Say Goodbye to Spreadsheets and Guesstimates

We’re designing our IP Forecaster to make it simpler and faster for you to estimate costs and prepare quotes for your clients. Forecasting is a team effort, so we’re making sharing and collaborating on forecasts easy. IP Forecaster is still a work in progress, but we are always looking for feedback and testers – let us know if you are interested in checking it out.

Control IP Maintenance Costs For Clients

Are you using a third party to make maintenance payments for your clients? Are you monitoring their charges? Your clients are probably paying above-market currency premiums if you don’t regularly audit their patent and trademark renewal charges. Frequently, far above. You can use our free audit tool, Solo, to monitor your charges, then use our automated service for a thorough analysis when needed. Our automated service will ensure that you never have to explain to your client why they’ve paid tens or hundreds of thousands in extra fees over the years.
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