PCT Fee Updates For Iceland

PCT Fee Updates

Better Late Than Never The July 1st PCT fee updates published two weeks ago have been confirmed for Iceland and Peru. If history is any guide, we are unlikely to see significant fee updates until the summer break is over. Rest up; it promises to be a busy fall! PCT Fee Increases For Iceland IP […]

July PCT and Madrid IP Fee Updates

IP Currency Costs and IP fee updates

Something For Everyone PTOs are squeezing in a few more IP fee updates before Summer arrives, so this week, we have a mixture of PCT and Madrid fee changes coming. The PCT is also gaining a new member—say “Bienvenidos” to Uruguay! Uruguay Joins Patent Cooperation Treaty On June 11, 2024, the Uruguayan Parliament approved Uruguay’s […]

Qatar Sets Madrid Protocol Fees Effective August 3rd

law firm invoice control

Qatar has finally set fees for Madrid protocol applications and renewals. The new fees go into effect on August 3rd.    Qatar sets fees for Madrid applications – effective August 3rd Applications/Subsequent Designations Trademark applications and subsequent designations will cost 1,127 CHF for each class of goods and services. Renewal Fees Renewal fees for each […]

Swiss Trademark Renewal Fee Decrease Effective July 1

Fee decrease

The Summer Slowdown! This week has been pretty quiet since last week’s PCT fee updates. All we have for you is a decrease in Swiss trademark renewal fees. Good news – you’ll have more money to buy chocolate! Swiss Trademark Fee Decrease Effective July 1 Trademark Highlights: Renewals will decrease from 700 CHF to 550 […]

PCT Fee Decrease Coming July 1

Patent Annuity Invoices

Time for a PCT fee decrease! There’s a pretty nice PCT fee decrease coming in July for PCT applicants. The update impacts approximately 1 million countries, so we skipped all the flags this week. A consolidated country list can be found at the bottom of the page. Enjoy! PCT Fee Decrease – Coming July 1 […]

Egypt PCT Fee Updates Effective June 1

PCT Fee Updates

Nothing but PCT fee updates It’s a short week in the US and a light week of PCT fee updates. All we have to report this week is a minor decrease in Egyptian PCT fees. More time for the beach! Egypt PCT Fee Updates Effective June 1 Highlights: Annex D – International Searching Authorities Search […]

IP Fee Updates for Singapore, Syria, Colombia and Turkey

patent and trademark IP fee updates

Something For Everyone This Week! This week, we have a variety of IP fee updates, including updated Singapore PCT fees and Madrid updates for Syria, Colombia, and Turkey. There are also some updates on the EP validation and Unitary front – let’s get into it! Singapore PCT Fee Updates Effective January 1 Highlights: Annex C […]

Patent and Trademark Fee Updates – Week of May 13

patent and trademark fees

A Quiet Week The only update this week is a new 19% VAT tax in Algeria on PTO fees. This is the dance our content team does when it’s a light week.  https://youtu.be/_p2I30QvFfQ Want More Patent Fee Updates? Take A Look Here! Fee Updates Currency Preview for Q3 2024 Patent Annuities May 10, 2024 No […]

Currency Preview for Q3 2024 Patent Annuities

Patent Annuities

Invoices for patent annuities due in the third quarter of 2024 will arrive in one month, so we thought we’d check in with the currency markets* and see how exchange rates compare year-over-year. Let’s take a look at some of the most common scenarios! For United States IP owners with patent annuities in Europe or […]

Chile UTM Update for May

IP Cost Estimation

There aren’t a lot of fee updates this week, so we’re highlighting a little-known data point about Chilean IP Fees that makes them a bit unusual. Let’s dig in Chile UTM Update effective from May 2024 Did you know that many of Chile’s intellectual property fees are based on a value known as UTM (“Unidad […]

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