Indonesian and Australian IP Fee Updates Coming!

Australian IP Fee Updates

Here Come the Fall IP Fee Updates! Summer is over, the PTOs are back in action, and the fee updates are starting to roll in. In October, get ready for some substantial Australian IP Fee updates and a minor update to Indonesian Madrid fees. This is just the beginning, its looking like November is going […]

IP Estimator Updates – September 9th

IP Estimator - Update

This week’s updates touch on a little bit of everything. We’ve upgraded our export summaries to give you more information on one page. The Ad Hoc Fee feature in Client Planner is now much more flexible, and we’ve made it more intuitive to add priority costs to trademark forecasts.  Let’s take a look! IP Estimator: […]

IP Estimator Updates – September 2nd

Weekly Update

This week, we focused on simplifying and improving our forecasting infrastructure. Based on user feedback, we’ve separated examination costs from prosecution costs and streamlined the way we display totals in Client Planner. We’ve also optimized Route Finder to improve the routes it shows in IP Estimator. Take a look! IP Estimator: New Examination Costs Phase […]

Upcoming PCT fee updates for Australia, Brazil, EPO and Japan

currency image

A Quiet Summer For IP Fee Updates It’s another quiet week of IP fee updates! There are some small, inflation-related PCT updates for Australia, Brazil, EPO, and Japan, but that’s about it. Most everyone knows that Romania joins the UPC on the 1st, but we’ve included that in case you have been living under a […]

IP Estimator Updates – August 26th

IP Estimator - Updates

This week, we’ve automated cost forecasting by integrating Minesoft patent data into our platform!  We also have a new spreadsheet view in Client Planner that lets you see the details behind your plan.  Lastly, we improved the accuracy of our timeline in the Designs Module of our IP Estimator. Take a look! IP Estimator: Minesoft […]

IP Estimator Updates – August 19th


The wait is over! We’ve been hard at work applying the finishing touches to our new Design Cost Forecaster, which launches this week! Additionally, we continue to optimize our translation cost calculations and have refined our docket integration in Client Planner. Let’s take a look! IP Estimator: Design Cost Forecasting Now with a click of […]

IP Fee Updates – August 14th

treaties and IP fee updates

A Quiet Summer For IP Fee Updates There has been quite a bit of treaty-related activity over the last couple of weeks, but it has been fairly quiet on the IP fee update front, other than a minor inflation adjustment for Japan. More time for the pool! Treaty Updates Treaty Updates The Geneva Act of […]

IP Estimator Updates – August 12th

This week, we made a lot of under-the-hood optimizations to IP Estimator, as well as added priority functionality for trademark forecasting, easy one-click duplication, and deletion of saved forecasts, and fine-tuned Client Planner for optimized forecasting. Check it out! IP Estimator: Trademark Priorities for IP Forecaster We’ve added a Number of Priorities field for trademark […]

IP Estimator Updates – August 5th

IP Cost Estimation and IP Forecaster Updates and IP estimator updates

This week, we took technology from IP Estimator and added a home page widget that makes it easy for you to tell your client how much extra they’ll pay to file an application with 70 claims in Indonesia, plus a veritable cornucopia of cool updates to Client Planner.  Check it out! Home Page: Excess Claims […]

IP Estimator Updates – July 29th

IP Cost Estimation Updates IP Estimator

This week, we focused on Client Planner, adding costs for docketing activities to portfolio cost planning estimates. Portfolio plans now automatically recognize whether your client is a small entity or large, making it easy to set up plans. We’ve also improved the accuracy of our claims translation estimates within our IP Estimator.   Check it out! […]

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