PCT Patent Fee Updates: August 5th
Death by a Thousand Small Patent Fee Updates Several patent fee updates were announced this week, but nothing will break your budget. Most were inflation adjustments for PCT searches. You […]
Patent Fee Updates: July 22
A slow week for patent fee updates There weren’t a lot of patent fee updates this week, but the PCT applicant guide highlighted a couple of PCT fee updates, so […]
IP Financial Friday: Gender Parity in Patents
WIPO: Innovation Gender Parity Gap Shrinking Slowly WIPO’s April World IP Day theme was “Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity.” This week, they followed up with a detailed report […]
IP Financial Friday: Annuity and Renewal Contract
You have a Contract Problem, not a Currency Problem Over the last several years, there’s been a lot of discussion about currency costs in maintenance invoices. There’s no doubt that […]
June Currency Summary
Currency costs can be a substantial portion of international intellectual property service charges. We’re showcasing the Euro and Dollar this week to update you on these changing costs. Stay tuned […]