Prokurio’s 2024 Product Roadmap

We only have three more weeks of product updates to deliver in 2023; then, we will switch to our 2024 plan. For 2024, we’ll continue to release new features every Sunday and add video updates for major announcements. Want to know what’s planned for 2024?

Let’s take a look at Prokurio’s 2024 product roadmap!

2024 - IP Forecaster

IP Forecaster is our IP cost estimation solution for IP firms. For 2024, we’re going to be focused on three key areas:

  1. Content – We are adding additional coverage for designs and expanding our geographic coverage to include nearly 200 jurisdictions.
  2. Integrations – Our PracticeLink integration will be completed in 2024, and nearly every feature within our platform will be available by API by year-end. We will also complete our integration with public data to minimize data entry of application and family details.
  3. Configurability – You’ll be able to further fine-tune IP Forecaster specifically to your firm’s needs, eliminating clutter and mouse clicks to get what you need – fast.

2024 - Strategic Planner

Prokurio’s 2024 Product Roadmap

Strategic Planner is our next-generation IP cost modeling and planning product that will be launched in Q1 for IP owners. For 2024, this is what is planned:

  1. Portfolio/Invoice Integration – Current and historical IP data is key to strategic planning. We are developing an extensive suite of APIs and integration tools, enabling you to pull or push data from Strategic Planner easily. We will also offer a pre-built Salesforce integration for Salesforce IPMS clients.
  2. Modeling Tools – Throughout 2024, we will release several visualization, “what-if,” and portfolio cost modeling tools. You’ll be able to easily switch between graphical and spreadsheet views and easily see the impacts of changing assumptions on your portfolio costs.
  3. Collaboration – Planning and budgeting are collaborative efforts; in 2024, we will make it easy to share and collaborate on financial models and budgets.

2024 - Invoice Control

Prokurio’s 2024 Product Roadmap

Invoice Control is our automated IP invoice monitoring solution. For 2024, we’re going to be focused on three key areas:

  1. AI – In 2023, we began leveraging AI to analyze IP invoices. In 2024, we’ll release our next-generation machine-learning engine and further automate the process.
  2. Integrations – Invoices can come from several different sources – we are working on integration with several e-billing and practice management vendors to plug into their infrastructure and provide IP invoice control.
  3. Visualizations – Our dashboards and reports are currently pretty basic. In 2024, we will offer more flexibility in how you see your results and make it easier to adjust your output to your needs.

Wrap Up

Wow – that’s a lot of stuff to do! Luckily, we have a year 🙂 Follow along every week and keep us honest! If you want to see how far we’ve come in 2023, check out our release notes.

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