Country Fees

Prokurio’s Country Fees catalog is a global repository of PTO fees for Patents and Trademarks that is updated on a regular basis.

  • Prokurio’s country fees feature allows you to retrieve information about the fees associated with different countries for your specific use case. This feature is helpful for applications that require country-specific pricing or fee calculations
  • Fee Calculation: You can utilize the country fees data to calculate fees for specific transactions or scenarios in your application. The provided fees are typically represented as percentages or fixed amounts.
  • Updating and Monitoring: The country fees data is regularly updated by Prokurio to ensure accuracy. You can monitor the Prokurio changelog or subscribe to notifications for country fee updates.
  • You can easily search the full list for the country you want, then click on the fees button on the right to view all PTO fees for that country.
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  • Once in Country Details, you are able to see the following attributes along with all fees in all phases broken out by tabs. Patents – Application, Prosecution, Allowance and Maintenance; Trademarks – Filing, Registration and Renewal. Additionally a handy real-time currency conversion button.
    • Country Code, PTO Currency, PCT Membership, EP Member State, PCT Receiving Office, Unitary Member, Madrid Member, Paris Convention Member and VAT Rate.
  • Here you can also configure specific Forecast Parameters for each country like Average months to grant, Average months to 1st Office Action & Average number of office actions. Note: Prokurio provides default parameters for each country. These will be used for future additional functionality coming soon.
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If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!

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