Setup of your organization in Prokurio is simple and easy. This setup ensures your company/firm information, defaults and logo are present throughout the system.
- Click on “Your Account” in the sidebar to expand the section.
- Then click on Law Firm Setup or Company Setup depending on your organization.
- Enter Name, Website URL and address information of your primary location.
- Under Logo, choose a high resolution image of your logo to upload
- Upon clicking the Save button, your logo will be displayed in the upper left corner throughout the platform.
- Under Translation Setup, you can select the a default application language for IP Forecaster (can be changed in Forecaster as desired).
- Forecast Setup allows you to select your default currency as well as annuity/renewal service fees/currencies and whether to include VAT by default or not in IP Forecaster.
- Once setup is complete, click on the Save button to save your settings.
If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!