Saving and Reusing Forecasts

All Forecasts generated within IP Forecaster can be easily saved to be used later or as templates for future use as a time saver.

Let’s take a forecast you have just completed and save it in IP Forecaster.

  • Go to the Saving and Sharing section at the bottom left of your screen.
  • Click on the Save button to open the popup box.
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  • Simply give your forecast a name and click the Submit button.
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  • Upon submitting, your screen will refresh to the Patent Forecasts screen.
  • This will show a list of all saved forecasts for this IPType in your system.
  • You can search by forecast name to narrow your list as well as sort the list by any column by clicking the arrows in the column name (i.e. created on, created by, etc.)
  • Lastly, use the action column buttons to edit, re-run or delete your forecast from the list.

Quick Tip: If you edit a saved forecast and make changes to your parameters, use the Save as New button to save it as a new forecast and keep your original intact.

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If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!

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